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Institutional Perspectives of Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is increasingly seen as a promising approach to feed the growing world population under climate change. The review explored how institutional perspectives are reflected in the CSA literature. In total, 137 publications were analyzed using institutional analysis framework, of which 55.5% make specific reference to institutional dimensions. While the CSA concept encompasses three pillars (productivity, adaptation, and mitigation), the literature has hardly addressed them in an integrated way. The development status of study sites also seems to influence which pillars are promoted. Mitigation was predominantly addressed in high-income countries, while productivity and adaptation were priorities for middle and low-income countries. Interest in institutional aspects has been gradual in the CSA literature. It has largely focused on knowledge infrastructure, market structure, and hard institutional aspects.

There has been less attention to understand whether investments in physical infrastructure and actors’ interaction, or how historical, political, and social context may influence the uptake of CSA options. Rethinking the approach to promoting CSA technologies by integrating technology packages and institutional enabling factors can provide potential opportunities for effective scaling of CSA options.


Publication Information
Publication type Journal article (peer reviewed)
Publisher Sustainability
Geographic scope Global
Authors Marc Schut, Edmond Totin, Robert B. Zougmore, Todd Rosenstock, Philip Thornton
Year 2018
Citation Totin E, Segnon AC, Schut M, Affognon H, Zougmore RB, Rosenstock T, Thornton PK. 2018. Institutional Perspectives of Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 10(6):1990.
Permanent link to publication https://hdl.handle.net/10568/93352

Photo credit: Panos, East Africa.