Mary Ng’endo
Mary Ng’endo is a nutrition and food security research scientist with experience in conducting household surveys assessing nutrition, health and environmental indicators. In addition to the nexus of nutrition and food security, Mary’s other key research interest areas are on climate change, gender and agriculture, multiple models of sustainable agriculture (such as agrobiodiversity, agroforestry and conservation agriculture) and rural development. She will providing strategic support to the Surveillance of Climate-smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN) project team by adding knowledge and experience with her previous work on household surveys and nutrition indicators.
Mary previously worked as a research fellow at Bioversity International, where she contributed to an enhanced understanding of the links between agrobiodiversity, income generation, nutrition and food security among smallholder farming households in Western Kenya. She has also previously worked with ICRAF as a conservation agriculture research fellow and as a climate change intern with the German International Cooperation – promotion of Private Sector Development in Agriculture (GIZ-PSDA).
Mary holds a PhD in Geography and the Environment from the University of Oxford (2015), a Msc. in Environmental Science from Kenyatta University (2012) and a Bsc. in Nutritional Biochemistry from Kenyatta University (2009).