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Climate-Smart Livestock: Measuring, Planning and Financing of NAMAs

P4S collaborators provide ongoing support for the NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) process to reduce global emissions while improving agricultural productivity, with several key initiatives in the livestock sector.

CCAFS (CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security), CGIAR centers such as CIAT (Center for International Agricultural Technologies) and ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre), and their public and private partners conduct activities to help countries develop and implement climate-smart innovations. These activities begin by developing technologies and methods to accurately quantify emissions in order to identify where and how to lower emissions, increasing technical and policy capacity to implement mitigation actions, and connecting partners with climate financing opportunities for implementing mitigation strategies.

Key Activities:
  • Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions through the SAMPLES project, in which CCAFS-ICRAF and partners in East Africa developed low-cost measurement methods for agricultural greenhouse gas sources and sinks. Through these methods accurate emission factors for smallholder systems are established that better inform and shape low emissions programs.
  • As NAMA Facility assists countries to scale up mitigation in the livestock sector, P4S collaborators provide technical and policy capacity building support with national country offices and development organizations. CIAT provides livestock NAMA support in Costa Rica while ICRAF works in Kenya and Mongolia.
  • Responding to a lack of emissions data necessary to prepare Costa Rica’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, CCAFS hosted a scenarios approach workshop with partners to test and explore which reduction strategies would be effective under different future conditions and what changes would be needed to implement the strategies. This resulted in a set of robust strategies for each sector within the INDC.
  • P4S collaborators CCAFS and ICRAF hosted a forum to showcase three active NAMA proposals aimed to reduce emissions while improving livestock productivity in Costa Rica, Kenya and Mongolia. The event took place at the 42nd session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), UNFCCC climate talks in Bonn, Germany. This forum for sharing NAMA proposals allowed country partners, scientists, and specialists to discuss opportunities for financing mitigation actions (such as Green Climate Fund) in the livestock sector and how similar actions may be scaled out to other countries. The event highlighted key strategies to mitigate emissions in livestock, technologies to plan and monitor mitigation strategies, and connecting to financing opportunities, especially in the private sector. Participants at the side event agreed that agricultural NAMAs can finance reduced emissions while also supporting agricultural production and smallholder livelihoods.
Key Results / Outputs:
  • See activities above for outputs linked to activities.
Key Outcomes:
  • Reduce global emissions while improving agricultural productivity, with several key initiatives in the livestock sector
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Photo credit: K. Trautmann (CCAFS) | Field photos from Lower Nyando, Kenya.

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